Currency exchange rates
United States dollar
If you have to file a tax return and need to convert an amount expressed in U.S. dollars (USD) to Aruban florins, please use the exchange rate of Afl. 1.79 per dollar.
213.55 USD = Afl. 382.25 (213.55 x 1.79)
Round all amounts to whole florins when filling in your tax return.
If you have to file income tax or profit tax returns and need to convert an amount expressed in euros (EUR) to Aruban florins, please use the following average conversion rates.
Here is an overview of the average rate of the euro per year.
Year | Average Conversion Rate euro |
2023 | 1,94519 |
2022 | 1,89557 |
2021 | 2,12921 |
2020 | 2,05622 |
2019 | 2,01364 |
Year 2023: 450 EUR = Afl. 875,34 (450 x 1.94519)
Round all amounts to whole florins when filling in your tax return.